Our Mission
We are here to help you repair your credit! Get started today and get your credit back on track! We are an innovative team with a group of dedicated, passionate, and remarkable team determined to help you repair financial defects from your record and help discover ways to improve credit score.

More than just a friendly voice, our Best in Class Support delivers a happy, stress-free experience unequaled in the industry.
Assert Credit Repair began in the year 2000 with one goal in mind, to help the country get out of debt! You see, we know firsthand how crushing credit card debt can be if not properly managed. Before you know it you owe far more than you could possibly pay off. The payments start becoming late, and your credit score takes a serious nosedive. Sadly, many people think that this is a road from which there is no return. The payments start becoming late, and your credit score takes a serious nosedive. Sadly, many people think that this is a road from which there is no return.

Our intelligent, methodical approach is designed to put you on the road to genuine, lasting credit health.
Our team is here for you when you need it most!

We boast a flawless track record when it comes to disputes! That's because our team is razor-sharp when it comes to analyzing credit reports and finding discrepancies.

Our team is stellar at finding creative ways to recover credit scores. Not only that, but we'll go over your credit report with a fine-tooth comb to find any errors. If we do, we'll immediately contact the company to dispute them on your behalf.

At our firm, we do everything in our power to educate you on how to restore your credit and continue your credit growth. Once you walk away from our services, you'll be set for life credit-wise.

Don't wait to reach out to us no matter where you live in the US.
We’re based out of Texas, but we have clients around the nation. Don’t wait to reach out to us if you need credit recovery! To get in touch, you can call us at (917) 226-0981.